Cano Cristales

Cano Cristales
Quebrada Curia Waterfall, Sierra de La Macarena, Colombia

Monday, May 31, 2010

CHAPTER I, Blog # 10

After every meal the household garbage was put aside in a bowl, taken outside and thrown into a sunken bucket at the corner of the house. Twice a week the garbageman, usually a local pig farmer drive a smelly truck dripping foul liquids would stop at each house and empty the garbage. It was my job in the summer months to take out the garbage pail and wash out the maggots with Clorox and water.
Better minds have outlawed garbagemen, actually outlawed feeding pigs human refuge, they outlawed dump picking, the original and best recycling method and they outlawed burning of leaves and fields the killed, the Indians knew controlled the deer ticks that carry Lyme disease.
When I first saw a garbage disposal I thought, What a waste. I saw slices of ham and enriched composted earth flushing down the drain to be treated at great expense and then the supposedly clean water dumped into our rivers. Perhaps that was why some called it a waste-disposal. It is a waste.
Is there real proof that human garbage fed to pigs spreads diseases? Now the pigs we eat are fed antibiotics, hormones and chicken shit defecated by tourched birds crammed in together and fed more antibiotics and breath foul smelling filth, filled air.
You are what you eat.
Also, one day we’ll learn, you can not save everybody.
I admit, at heart, I’m a Luddite.
Milk was delivered in bottles to our back doors by the milkman. Now instead of one vehicle delivering hundreds of bottles of milk to your house we have hundreds of cars driving to the supermarket buying one bottle of milk.
It is amazing how much bad came from doing good? Who are these good dooers? Mostly city apartment or suburban dwelling weekend eco-warriors who have no understanding of the countryside and nature – though they think they do. They read though.
The most poignant example of bad coming from doing good is polio.